Alumni Division

Some of our alumni teams may wish to continue developing their projects alongside their co-designers, which is awesome! New to the 2025-2025 season, the CRE[AT]E Challenge will offer a special division for alumni teams who wish to continue where they left off with support from CRE[AT]E staff. This page contains pertinent information to teams in this "alumni division", including submission requirements.


Teams who fall under the alumni division:

If you participated in the CRE[AT]E Challenge before and wish to participate again with a new project, you do not fall under this category. We realize there can be some edge cases, so if you are unsure if you qualify as an alumni team or not, send us an email and we'll help you sort it out!

What's involved?

Since alumni teams have already gone through the Challenge, they are not required to complete the online course and will be judged separately from the regular track teams. Additional stipulations include:

Schedule + Submission Requirements

You'll notice that a lot of this looks a bit similar to our main track schedule, except your project proposal will be due in the fall semester to help you scope out what you aim to achieve by the final event and to help us understand what help you'll need. Additionally, when our regular teams are submitting "design reviews," you will be submitting "project updates."

Project Proposal (due  December 1st, 2024)

Where did you leave off, where do you hope to go, and what help do you need along the way? 

Your project proposal will help you organize your thoughts and act as a blueprint to guide you through the Challenge. You will come up with your own project milestones, which you will then report on in future project updates.

Submission type: document


Project Update #1 (due  February 7th, 2025)

Paint the story of where you left off, what your big vision is, what you expect to accomplish by the Final Event, what your milestones are, and where you are now

Submission type: 7-10min video + BOM upload


Submission Guidelines 

Project Update #2 (due  March 31st, 2025)

Give us an update on the progress you've made towards your milestones! You should have performed product testing by now, so this update will place an emphasis on feedback you've received from your co-designer and your testing results.

Submission type: 7-10min video


Submission Guidelines 

Final Event Submission (due  April 21st, 2025)

This is it, the final event! Show off the nice progress you have made over the past months, and let us know how close you are to achieving your "big vision."

Submission type: 5min video + document (*submission criteria might change)

Part 1: Document

The final prototype is a more refined version of your product that has gone through some iterations of design, test, and re-design. It might just be what your co-designer needed, or you may have a ways to go (so it may only be "final" for the purposes of this class). We'd like to know how you made it, and how others could make it as well! Also, please include pictures and videos whenever possible. Videos in the document should be GIFs, since they will auto-play when the document is viewed.

Who is your co-designer?

In your own words, tell us about your co-designer and what you learned from interviewing. And not just about their impairment - who are they as a person? Include anything that your co-designer would be comfortable sharing. Some of these things you may be able to answer before your interview, and others are things you should try to gather information on. Some suggestions:

Needs and Requirements

Concept Generation and Selection

Give us a narrative of your brainstorming! Tell us about the following:

Please also tell us briefly about your design iterations, how you went from earlier to more sophisticated prototypes, and what design elements you were testing in earlier iterations.

Tell Us About Your Product

Test Results


We'd like you to think about a few things after going through your final prototype.

Part 2: Video

Optional: Two-slide snapshot

Submission Instructions