Wearables are a category of technology particularly relating to devices that can be worn on the body. Think electronics like smart watches and sensors strapped to various limbs/body parts, or even embedded in clothing, or purely mechanical devices like arm and leg braces. As we tackle many physical challenges, your project might take the form of a wearable for your co-designer.
Electronic wearables typically involve microprocessors (like the Arduino, a prototyping microcontroller board that expands the use of a microprocessor chip on board), sensors, a power source, and some kind of output device like an LED, a touch screen, motor or haptic feedback, or data for analytics. Power considerations are important for the often small size of a wearable, with most devices powered on some kind of lithium-ion battery.
Electronic Wearables
Electronic wearables typically consist of the following components:
Microprocessors: For example, the Arduino is a popular microcontroller board used to prototype devices, but Adafruit's lines of Lilypad, Blufruit, and Feather boards are specifically designed with wearable products in mind.
Sensors: These collect data from the user's body or environment.
Power Source: Most wearables are powered by small, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, making energy efficiency an important consideration.
Output Devices: Wearables may include outputs such as LED lights, touchscreen displays, motors, or haptic feedback systems that vibrate or provide other sensations. Some also send data for analytics.
Key Considerations for Wearables
Form Factor & Ergonomics The form factor—the shape and size of a wearable—must integrate smoothly with the human body.
Minimizing discomfort during use: Ergonomics is critical to reduce discomfort or strain when the wearable is in use. This is especially important in devices that affect users' movements but also applies to smaller devices like wristbands or chest sensors. Think about how your wearable can fit comfortably without causing pressure points or irritation.
Donning and doffing: Consider how your wearable will be put on (donning) and taken off (doffing). Will the user be able to do it without help? How complex are the movements involved and are they suited for the user? Is there anything you can simplify or change to make it easier?
Measuring for Wearables Creating an effective wearable product involves understanding the nuances of the human body:
Bodies are flexible: Have you measured the area where the wearable will be placed multiple times? It’s essential to have consistent measurements, and established medical procedures can be a helpful reference. Look up videos or resources on anatomical measurements for accuracy.
Bodies move: Consider whether the body part where the wearable will sit flexes or shifts during everyday activities. If movement affects the shape or stiffness, you may need to use materials like elastic or knit fabrics to prevent the wearable from slipping off.
Bodies change: Is the user expected to change in size, shape, or weight over time (e.g., children or people undergoing physical rehabilitation)? Adding adjustability to your design can improve long-term usability.
Bodies need hygiene: Wearables that come into contact with the skin for extended periods must account for hygiene. Can the product be cleaned easily? Can you incorporate washable covers or use materials that resist sweat and odors?
Aesthetics Making sure that your co-designer will wear the product.
Wearable products are often more present and visible in the user's day-to-day life than most other products because they are meant to be on the body. That means that how the product looks can be a bigger contributor to whether or not your product gets used than in other cases, particularly for children. Consider your co-designer's aesthetic opinions and what he or she would like the product to look like, and adjust accordingly when possible.
By considering these factors, you’ll create wearables that are comfortable, practical, and functional for the user.
Wearable Technology Curriculum
The CRE[AT]E Challenge is fortunate to partner with the Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA) and share their wearable technology and functional fabric curriculum with students. One of 17 Manufacturing USA institutes, AFFOA’s mission is to rekindle the domestic textiles industry by leading a nationwide enterprise for advanced fiber and fabric technology development and manufacturing, enabling revolutionary system capabilities for national security and commercial markets.
AFFOA’s AFF Engineering and Design with Prototyping Unit Curriculum is a resource student teams can use to learn and apply the engineering and design process and prototype actual functional wearable prototypes! You can access the curriculum here.